Insecticidal soaps sprayed directly on Stump Removal leaves destroy harmful insects on contact with minimum to no harm to the plant Redding. Many different insecticidal soap goods can be bought from Stump Removal centers, but making your own saves money and gives you complete control over the ingredients to ensure the soap solution is as safe as possible for your crops. Only soap — in bar or liquid form water and — are needed to make an effective insecticidal soap. Do not confuse soap with harsher detergents, which can damage leaves or kill crops.
Sterilize a gallon jug with a 10-percent bleach solution, using 1 part household bleach to 9 parts water. Rinse the jug thoroughly to remove all residual bleach and let dry.
Grate one bar of soap into a sauce pan and add about 1 quart of water. Bring the mixture to a slow boil, stirring constantly, until the soap is completely dissolved. Laundry bar soaps work well for insecticides, but avert bath soaps that contain glycerin and fragrances that could harm plants. A couple of soap brands targeted for laundry and bath use also do the job, provided they’re true soaps and free of harmful additives.
Pour the water and soap solution into the gallon jug. Fill the jug to the top with water, then filling gradually to prevent heavy bubble formation. As a substitute for strong bar soap, you can mix 5 tablespoons of pure castile liquid soap straight in the gallon jug without having to boil it on the stove. This makes an insecticidal soap concentration that you can dilute as required.
Mix 1 tablespoon of the soap concentration in a 1 quart spray bottle when you need to treat a plant. This makes a solution of approximately 1 to 2 percent, the recommended dilution typical of commercial insecticidal soaps.
Spray the insecticidal soap mixture over a few leaves in an inconspicuous area of the plant. Wait a few days and observe the leaves carefully for damage. If the leaves are dead or bullied, add a bit more water to further dilute the solution. Repeat the test and also dilute the solution with a couple more ounces of water at a time until no harm occurs. The remedy is ready to use on your plants when no harm happens to leaves in examining.