How to Boost Burpless Tasty Green #26 Cucumber Plants

For people who have gastrointestinal problems with ordinary cucumbers, the Burpless Tasty Green #26 variety can be an ideal gardening alternative. This hybrid cucumber contains thin skin, very little bitterness and was designed to reduce the probability of the veggie inducing gas. Like most of cucumber varieties, Burpless Tasty Green is a warm-weather plant and needs to be planted after the soil warms up to at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit in your lawn.

Dig the cucumber patch once the soil warms in the lawn, about three weeks after the last average frost date. The date will be different based on the part of the country in which you live. As an example, in San Francisco the last frost date is near the end of January, so start the cucumber patch at the middle of February if the weather holds.

Dig the soil in your cucumber area 12 inches deep. Mix at a 3-inch layer of compost to improve drainage. Insert an all-purpose fertilizer such as 5-10-10 according to the package directions. Create the cucumber patch up against a chain-link fence or a trellis to permit cucumber vines to climb away from damp soil.

Space the Burpless Tasty Green #26 cucumber seeds about 12 to18 inches apart. Place the seeds about 4 inches from the fence or alternative support and then cover the seeds with 1/2 inch of compost. Water the seeds thoroughly.

Spread a 2-inch layer of grass clippings or other organic mulch over the seed bed once the seeds have sprouted. This will keep moisture in the ground while shading out seeming weeds.

Side dress the cucumber crops using a high-nitrogen water-soluble fertilizer once the vines start to bloom, and again three weeks later. Do this by moving apart the mulch, sprinkling the fertilizer on the ground beside the plant stems and watering it into the ground. Replace the mulch after the water has sunk into the ground.

Water the patch often, particularly in very hot or warm weather. Keep the ground moist, but avoid massive puddles.

Decide on the Burpless Tasty Green #26 cucumbers as soon as they are ready to eat — approximately 62 days after planting. These cukes are greatest when they are approximately 8 inches long with a smooth skin. Regular picking will keep the vines creating more cucumbers.

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